Category: Construction Tips

Restoring Buildings

Restoring Buildings The main reason a building needs restoration is that it has been damaged somehow- either through neglect, natural disaster, or vandalism. There are two distinct types of buildings that might need restoration, and it is imperative to understand the difference between the two.  Firstly, there is a historic building; secondly, an old or […]

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Wall Removal

Building and Removing a Wall It has become an increasingly popular trend to alter wall structures to give homes a refreshing look and atmosphere. Whether it is wall removal or wall building that lies ahead, there are certainly a lot of things to consider when you want to calculate the total cost of your project. […]

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Renovation Plan For Your House

In principle, there are two types of renovation. On the one hand, there is the annual wear and tear, which you regularly have to deal with. Some examples are: a new roof, renewing the electricity or having the boiler replaced. These are renovations that cannot be ignored. There are also renovations that you carry out […]

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Seven Tips for Your House Renovation

Building, restoring, and renovating is a life-event and can cause a lot of stress. Usually you start out in good spirits, but as the weeks or months go by you often notice that you become less flexible. Fatigue, living in the mess, setbacks, it’s all part of the job. With these seven tips you will […]

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Home Construction: Extension Tips

Has your house become too small or would you just like an extra space? Placing an extension to your home is the perfect solution! In principle, you stick a new building to the existing house. There are numerous options for adding an extension, both in terms of materials and furnishings. We list the popular forms […]

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Tips for Kitchen Renovation and Restyling

As interior trends are constantly changing, your kitchen may look outdated after a few years. Buying a new kitchen if it is still in good condition would be a shame. In that case you can choose to renovate or restyle the kitchen. With a few clever tricks you can make the centre of your house […]

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